Did you know that nearly 75% to 80% of the American workforce detest their jobs? According to a study conducted by Gallup, Inc. (2013) entitled, “State of the American Workplace,“ revealed that “of the approximately 100 million American workers with full-time employment that only 30% were engaged and inspired at work.” The other 70% of employees were disengaged, discontent, and disconnected from their job responsibilities and their companies.

Workplace turnover rates are at an all-time high, according to studies conducted by Gallup, Inc. When employees leave, it ultimately affects the bottom line. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) revealed that the outgoing expense for organizations to hire new staff due to turnover ranges from $4,425 to $19,936. A company must account for recruitment, hiring, and replacement costs, as well as slower production and knowledge loss. Unhappy and disengaged employees affect the economy, with costs totaling upwards of $550 billion in expenditures yearly.

How are unhappy and disengaged employees affecting YOUR bottom line?

(n) = ChΔnge is here to help! 

With over 12 years of experience, (n) = ChΔnge, LLC is a professional consulting firm, specializing in Organizational Development (OD) and Transformation and Organizational Change Management (OCM). Our focus is on helping clients achieve their full potential and value while undergoing a business transformation by maximizing benefits captured in the project and by minimizing costs and business disruptions. We are experts on the people side of change in how they, as individuals and teams, move from a current state or condition to a prosperous future state.

In addition to employee retention, there are many reasons why change management is necessary in an organization:

  • Organization fails to attract and retain talent

  • Employees are not productive and morale is down

  • Customers are choosing the competitor

  • Organization is siloed and employees operate as separate entities rather than a cohesive company-wide team

  • Organization is undergoing restructuring

  • Leaders need training to increase employee investment in a new product or operation

  • Management needs leadership training to inspire employees